Monday, 15 March 2010

Babies! Babies! Babies!

Babies! Babies! Babies!
There was obviously something in the water nine months ago as I seem to hear of a new arrival almost every week - and they're nearly all girls! Where are all the boys!!? The images above show my 'babies washing line' card - and as you'd expect there is a girly pink one and blue one for the boys. A lot of people seem to like this design, which is made complete with the addition of a freshly washed cuddly toy drip drying on the line!
I almost always use a 'hammer' texture blank card (personally I think these look better quality than a smooth finish) and a silver 'mesh' layer between the card and the picture. I bought a pack of this years ago from a craft fair and its nearly all gone so if anyone knows where I can get some more please let me know!

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